Sunday, March 10, 2013


Sometimes, the pendulum can swing back faster than you can blink.

Sometimes, you have to stand in your kitchen and repeat to yourself, out loud, "It's not me."

"It's not me."

"This isn't because of me."

"It's not me."

"It's not me."

Sometimes you have to lay on the couch and flip channels indecisively. Sometimes you have to mute the tv so you can think, because maybe if the tv wasn't so damn LOUD, maybe you could think. Mute, unmute. Click, change. Change back. Click.

Sometimes you have to read Step 1 literature, over and over, in hopes it will become an earworm.

Sometimes you have to apologize for your part, promptly as possible admitting your wrongs, and sometimes you have to bite your tongue at what comes next.

Sometimes you have to leave the room.

Sometimes you have to repeat even parts of the serenity prayer to get through seconds of minutes of hours.

"...accept the things I CANNOT CHANGE."
"WISDOM to know the DIFFERENCE."
"Accept...cannot change."

Sometimes you have to try to forgive yourself.

Sometimes you have to take the dog out for a walk.

And sometimes you just need to go to bed.

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