Monday, April 1, 2013

Keep Coming Back

One thing I have learned in my journey this last year after realizing that I am married to a high functioning alcoholic, is that the gifts of the Al Anon program continue to bestow themselves onto me.

The highs and lows and ebb and flow of the relationship with my husband may and do show themselves, but throughout the program is there for support, education and guidance to help myself get better even though my situation may not.

As we say at the end of the prayer after each meeting:

"It works if you work it and you're worth it."

Yup, yup, and yup again.


  1. So glad that I found your blog....I can totally relate....I am in my late 30's been with my husband for 8 years and married for almost 5 years....He is a recovering prescription drug addict and also functioning alcoholic. He will drink anywhere between 6-12 beers a day during the week and i don't even count on the weekend....cause he will start as soon as noon....We have an 18 month old soon who is my life and is wonderful and I will protect him with my life. I know what you mean by Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde.....I run into Hyde alot....Ran into him yesterday as a matter of fact.....called him a selfish alcoholic....yeah that didn't go well...I am getting tired....and sick.....migraines...anxiety....chest pain......fibromyalgia worse......I am the primary bread winner in this house. I had a counselor when i was pregnant and she helped so much but lost track when Davis was born....I have one friend that doesn't tell me what to do ....she just prays for me....everybody else tells me to stick it out....because Davis is young and won't remember.....Just glad I found your blog.....Thank you.....Hope you are doing ok. Please keep blogging.....

  2. I am so glad that you are glad you found my blog - if it is of any help to anyone out there that is a comfort and a motivation to keep going for me. Thank you so much for your comment.

    Jekyll & Hyde - I have come to distrust and not like either of them. Jekyll makes me nervous because I don't trust him, and Hyde well - that's probably obvious. Yes...we al anons end up with the physical manifestations of our stress and depression (you listed, migraines, anxiety, etc.). Myself, I struggle with chronic back pain that is always present but fluctuates with the circumstances, same with other issues. I hope you're taking care of yourself...
